"Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which comes upon you to prove you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice in so far as you share in Christ's suffering, that you may also rejoice when his glory is revealed. ... And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, and strengthen you." 1 Peter 4:12-13, 5:10
Do you ever feel like you are tiptoeing through life just waiting for the next 'bad' thing to happen?
You know it will. You or someone you love will get sick. There will be challenges with money. The world around us appears to be in chaos. The bees are dying. Trash is piling up. The car breaks down. A relationship ends. The floods come, the earth shakes, and we are tried to our core.
That's just life on this planet.
So how are we of faith to live with joy and peace if we're either in a storm or waiting for the next one?
First, it's not negative to anticipate the challenges of life. If we think everything is always going to be perfect, we're not being realistic. We have been told very clearly that the 'fiery ordeal' will come upon us. It's not IF. It's WHEN.
That doesn't mean being the Eeyore of the family (always predicting the negative outcome).
Life will be filled with abundance, love, and happiness, but to live as if we might get lucky and avoid any trouble, in fact cuts us out of something very important.
Sharing. There is nothing more intimate than to share in the sufferings of someone we love. Walking the path. Holding their hearts. Being patient in expectation of our prayers being answered. My deepest loves have come not through easy life, but through the challenges we've shared. We can be at our most authentic in suffering. Ego doesn't spend much time there. Angels are always there. If we rejoice in our suffering, we can be transformed. We can experience the comfort of those who love us, and grow in compassion for those who suffer too.
Restoration. Just as we have been told to expect trouble, we have also been promised that God, himself will restore, establish, and strengthen us. I can reference hundreds of scripture that promises that God is with us. WITH US. Angels surround us!! Even in the darkest night, and the saddest hours, we come from a God who has suffered too. The divine chemistry of life itself is born in the struggle. We are not designed to be coddled. We are created to be challenged, live out our faith in that challenge, and to expect restoration! The key is not to get too attached to our own ideas of what restoration looks like. We must trust in love.
As I'm now in the midst of God's plan for restoration of my life, I've chosen to focus on the fruits of the Spirit.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Gal 5:22-23
It's a daunting list, so I'm starting with love and joy. That's it. Every day, with everyone, in all situations, I'm calling myself to love and joy.
More than anything I hope that as I can withstand the trials, my faith will prove itself, and I will indeed rejoice to see God at work in my life.
If you are in need of prayers - please leave a comment and I will add you to my daily prayers.
I KNOW I've been in your prayers and I SO appreciate them and YOU, dear, dear Paula. Thanks for this meditation today. Excellent food for thought. I'm with you on the JOY...that's my fave fruit. :) I'd like to put TW on your list--young mom, new health insurance job, struggling to make more income faster to cover family needs. Thanks for that offer.