Friday, October 26, 2018


A year ago today I was in the hospital having a little near death experience.

On the physical plane, the circumstances leading up to this seemed very messy.
For two years I had been desperately sick with extreme pain, but no test or Dr could determine the cause. When I finally collapsed and was rushed to emergency, I was told had I not come then, I surely would have died.
Had my issue been found and diagnosed earlier, the problems could have been resolved with simple out-patient surgery and fully covered by insurance. Because it was not, the experience has had life changing impact on levels I could not have imagined.

Very inconvenient in the flesh. Magnificent in the Spirit.

Though I was nearly unconscious as I left for the hospital, I took off my glasses and grabbed my Bible. Funny what our priorities are in the moment of truth.
Over the next few days I teetered on the edge of this life and the next. As the pain and poison raged, my spirit soared. I saw and felt the Angels attending me. I was given visions of the beginning and the end. Every Nurse, Doctor and loved one who came into my room were the sweetest beings. I was in a state of bliss. Without my glasses, I couldn't see, but without my glasses, I could see.
A layer of the veil was lifted.
Two surgeries later, I was out of danger and sent home to heal.
The Angels came with me.

I didn't know that at first. What I did know was that I never wanted to forget the sweetness.
The 'real' world is often not so sweet and fallout from hospital bills and long term health issues threatened to sour my vision of life and this journey. Not to mention all the 'stuff' that seems to be the major issues of our time. But, I tell you, God is faithful.
"I sought the Lord and he answered me"  Psalm 34:4

It was early this spring when my first feather appeared. It stirred a funny feeling. Something heavenly. I didn't let myself think much about it, not wanting to put my imagination into play on things that may or may not be 'real'. But, something kept pricking my mind about it, so I started doing some research. I discovered there are many writings about feathers being signs from Angels. One note said that if you ever find multiple feathers at once, you are surrounded by Angels. Being a fairly conservative 'Jesus freak' I was hesitant to embrace anything that was too woo woo and mostly let it go.
A few weeks later working in the garden, I looked to the ground and at my feet were literally dozens of feathers. Different sizes and colors so I knew they weren't from a cat/bird encounter. I was overcome with dizziness and I thought I was in an Angel portal and perhaps going to be lifted up right then!
It was surreal and stunning. The message was getting through.

Over the months, feathers started showing up frequently. Especially when I've been praying for a loved one. I even found several on my desk one day... just lying there... reminding me that I am not alone. We are not alone.

Last week, when our dear friend Ned passed, I prayed for his safe transition. I asked that he send me a sign when he arrived. Maybe he could send me a feather. For several days I thought about walking the yard to look for a feather - but didn't. On Wednesday, he sent his message; a feather in the clouds. Beautiful, distinctive and specific. I wept with gratitude and joy.

This past year has been a remarkable journey of challenge, healing, and love. Probably something worthy of a book...but I'm not quite there yet. I don't know what my future will hold. I'm not even sure exactly why I lived when so many don't. But I do know that this experience has deepened my faith.

This life can appear to be off the rails as trials and suffering and outright bad stuff seem to be the reality to focus on. So today, I encourage you to look to the unseen. Listen for the still small voice. Love one another. Pray without ceasing. Watch for Angels.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:1